In Praise of Private Writing

One of the most fascinating portions of Jonathan Edwards's collected works is a 350 page section entitled "Miscellaneous Observations" and "Notes on the Bible." This section comprises a large collection of Edwards's personal notes on various subjects including philosophical, theological, and biblical musings. The depth and breadth of these writings are remarkable. But what is most intriguing to me is … Continue reading In Praise of Private Writing

Before You Can Say, 'I Disagree,' You Must Be Able To Say, 'I Understand'

I am currently reading New Testament Exegesis by Gordan Fee for my Greek Exegesis class. As I was perusing the section about the use of commentaries and secondary resources, I found a paragraph that was extremely helpful to me; not only in writing exegetical papers, but for writing in general and for verbal communication as … Continue reading Before You Can Say, 'I Disagree,' You Must Be Able To Say, 'I Understand'