Parents, Do Not Provoke Your Children to Anger

In his helpful little book, The Fulfilled Family: God’s Design for Your Home, John MacArthur provides a list of ways parents may unintentionally provoke their children to anger.  MacArthur encourages parents to recognize and avoid these potential pitfalls for the good of their children and for the general happiness of their homes. He also reminds … Continue reading Parents, Do Not Provoke Your Children to Anger

What Leaders Do with their Spare Time

I recently pulled John MacArthur's The Book on Leadership off my shelf to lend to a friend.  As I thumbed through the pages, rereading underlined sentences and noting my nearly illegible comments in the margins, I was convicted by one passage in particular. In his chapter, "How to Not Be Disqualified," MacArthur emphasizes the need for spiritual … Continue reading What Leaders Do with their Spare Time

'The MacArthur Bible Commentary' by John MacArthur

There are tens of thousands of theological books and commentaries available today. Despite this massive selection, however, I am becoming more convinced (almost daily!) that there is no necessary correlation between number of books in our libraries and actual insight into the Bible. In fact, I am beginning to think that the more widely one … Continue reading 'The MacArthur Bible Commentary' by John MacArthur