Barrett’s ‘God’s Word Alone’ is a Must Read on the Doctrine of Scripture

I recently finished Matthew Barrett's God's Word Alone: The Authority of Scripture. Even at 374 pages, it is a unique confluence of concision, breadth, and depth. I am grateful that God equips men with such theological skill and calls them to ply their craft for the benefit of the church. My heart resonates with Robert Yarbrough who, in … Continue reading Barrett’s ‘God’s Word Alone’ is a Must Read on the Doctrine of Scripture

Spiritual Disciplines, Part 4: What is Biblical Meditation?

So far we've learned that spending time in Scripture must become a priority---a severe discipline---in our lives. We've also considered a few practical ways to make that happen. But we will keep ourselves from much blessing if we halt our discussion at the discipline of reading and don't talk about the discipline of meditation. The moment I mention … Continue reading Spiritual Disciplines, Part 4: What is Biblical Meditation?

Spiritual Disciplines, Part 3: Bible Reading: Some Practical Suggestions

So far we've seen that spiritual discipline is essential to our spiritual growth and that discipline is not a burdensome alternative to spiritual spontaneity, but is actually a means to it. We've also seen why Bible reading should be a priority in our lives. In this post, I want to offer you a few ideas to … Continue reading Spiritual Disciplines, Part 3: Bible Reading: Some Practical Suggestions

Spiritual Disciplines, Part 2: The Priority of Bible Reading and Mediation

In his little book, Make Your Bed: Little Things that Can Change Your Life...And Maybe the World, former Navy SEAL and Admiral William H. McRaven offers his readers ten pieces of hard-earned wisdom, each culled from the rigors of life as one of the U. S. military's most elite soldiers. Making one's bed first thing in the … Continue reading Spiritual Disciplines, Part 2: The Priority of Bible Reading and Mediation